Village of Ridgewood
Municipal Government
131 N Maple Avenue, Ridgewood NJ 07450
Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday and Sunday – closed
See web site or phone for information on Events, Departments, Services.

Community Programs
Ridgewood Community Center
131 N. Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
201-670-5500 ext 301
Open Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Closed State and Federal Holidays)
The Ridgewood Community Center is located on the lower level of Village Hall. It consists of the Pat Mancuso Senior Lounge and Anne Zusy Youth Lounge. The Community Center falls under the Ridgewood Parks and Recreation Department, offering a wide variety of exercise and intellectual programs for adults 55 years of age and older. Zumba Gold, Toning, Gentle Chair Yoga, Yoga Fit, Silver Strength and Motion, Men’s Fitness, Cardio Dance, No Aches/No Pains – Arthritis Class, Bridge, Mahjong, and Knit and Crochet classes are offered weekly. Exercise classes are offered at a discounted rate ($10 additional per class for non-residents). The HILT (Highlights In Leisure Time) Ridgewood Seniors Membership Group also calls the Community Center home. The HILT Seniors Group is open to Ridgewood residents only. Ping Pong, Billiards and Air Hockey are also available for open play for Ridgewood adult residents in the Anne Zusy Youth Lounge when exercise classes are not in session. Call the Ridgewood Community Center, telephone number above, to learn more about these programs or if you need further information.
Ridgewood Public Library
125 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Numerous programs and services including computer and technology classes, cultural enrichment, film events, home delivery options, specialized discussion groups, books in foreign languages, 55+ resources and librarians eager to assist.
Northwest Senior Center
50 Center Street, Midland Park, NJ 07450
Open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 4 PM
The Northwest Center is the regional senior center serving NW Bergen County. It offers a variety of movement and exercise programs for adults 60 years of age and older. Tap Dancing, Ballroom Dancing, Social Dancing, Country Line Dancing, Arthritis Exercise, Cardio and Core Fitness, Silver Fit Exercise, Core Tone and Strength, Gentle Yoga, and Sun Yoga are offered weekly. Call the NW Center, telephone number above, to learn more about these programs and the schedule for classes. There is no cost to join the NW Center, free-will donations accepted for some of the dance and exercise programs.
Bergen County SAVVERS Discount Program
One Bergen County Plaza, 2nd Floor, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Phone: 201-336-7400
The SAVVERS Discount Program is a free program to provide discounts and services for Bergen County Seniors age 60 and over, military Veterans, Volunteers, Active Military Personnel, Emergency Responders, and their families. Each eligible person and family member who signs up for the program will receive a membership ID card to present to participating businesses and professionals in order to receive their discount. There is no cost to become a member of SAVVERS. The online catalog listing all participating businesses and professional services can be found on the web site listed above.
Institute for Learning in Retirement at Bergen Community College
Lois E. Marshall Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR) at Bergen Community College, in cooperation with Elderhostel, serves the intellectual and social needs of a vibrant community of Lifelong Learners age 55 and older. Our members have a thirst for learning and intellectual stimulation. One fee entitles members to attend courses which are taught by members and experts from the larger community. Each semester’s offerings cover a broad range of academic and cultural topics. There are no tests or grades.
Ridgewood Community School
49 Cottage Place, Ridgewood NJ 07450
email: [email protected]
Offerings in subject areas: computer literacy, careers, creative arts, culinary arts, dance and movement, finance investments and the law, handcrafts, health fitness and wellness, home and real estate, languages, bridge and mahjongg, liberal arts studies, writing, music, sports, day tours, multi-day tours.
50 Plus card available for Ridgewood residents 50 and over which provides discounts on specific classes.
Elder Abuse
Adult Protective Services, Bergen County Board of Social Services
216 Route 17 North, Rochelle Park, NJ 07662
after hours: 1-800-624-0275
APS investigates reports of suspected abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults living in the community. Reports may be made by anyone. When a report is received, APS investigates. If the report is confirmed and the person is willing to accept help, APS will identify and put in place services that can help the vulnerable person.
SAAFE, Save Abused AND Frail Elderly
Teaneck NJ
Works to increase awareness, operate hotline, identify abuse, and refer cases to the proper resources.
Senior Haven for Elder Abuse Prevention
The Jewish Home Family
Short term stays, discharge planning, medical care, nutrition, legal assistance. No self-referrals.
Bergen County Alternatives to Domestic Violence (ADV)
One Bergen County Plaza. 2nd Floor, Hackensack, NJ 07601
ADV is Bergen County’s co-lead domestic agency, offering clinical and legal services to individuals and families struggling with domestic abuse. Also provides community outreach and education programs.
Legal Services
Northeast New Jersey Legal Services
Senior Citizen Law Project
Bergen County Division
190 Moore St. Suite 100, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Provides free legal advice, assistance, and representation in a variety of civil law cases for eligible residents age 60 and over. Specialty areas include housing, family matters, public benefits, consumer issues and health care.
The National Center on Law and Elder Rights (NCLER)
NCLER is a national resource center for the legal services and aging and disability networks, focused on the legal rights of older adults. Providing webinars, trainings, written materials, and case consultations, NCLER is a one-stop resource for professionals serving older adults with the greatest economic and social needs. NCLER is administered by Justice in Aging in partnership with the National Consumer Law Center, the ABA Commission on Law & Aging, and The Center for Social Gerontology, under contract with the Administration for Community Living’s (ACL) Administration on Aging.
For Long Term Care Residents
State of New Jersey Office of the Ombudsman for the Institutionalized Elderly
For more information call (609) 826-5090 or 1-877-582-6995
To file a complaint:
Call Toll Free Intake Line: 1-877-582-6995
Email: [email protected]
Write: The Office of the Ombudsman, P.O. Box 852, Trenton, NJ 08625-0852
The New Jersey Office of the Ombudsman for the Institutionalized Elderly is part of a national resident-focused advocacy program that seeks to protect the health, safety, welfare, and civil and human rights of older individuals in institutions. Staff and volunteers work with individual residents to help them address challenges they face.
Tax Preparation
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide
Toll-free Nationwide:888-OUR-AARP (888-687-2277)
Toll-free TTY: 877-434-7598
Email: [email protected]
Bergen Volunteer Center Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
201-489-9454 or 2-1-1
By Appointment
NW Senior Center Income Tax Assistance
50 Center Street, Midland Park, NJ 07432
From early February to early April, AARP Vita trained volunteer income tax preparers are available two days a week by appointment only. Call the NW Center, phone number above, to schedule an appointment and receive a list of documents that should be brought to your appointment, so that your income tax return can be completed.
Organizations for Businesses in Ridgewood
The Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce
27 Chestnut Street, Ridgewood NJ 07450
[email protected]
The Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of individuals, businesses, professionals and organizations dedicated to advancing the commercial, professional, civic and general interests of our community.
The Ridgewood Guild
[email protected]
Dedicated to making Ridgewood a more enjoyable place to shop, dine and visit.
Volunteer Opportunities
AARP Create the Good
Volunteer opportunities cataloged by AARP.
AARP Driver Safety
[email protected]
Teach or promote AARP Driver Safety in your local community.
Bergen County SHIP, the State Health Insurance Program/Bergen County Division of Senior Services
[email protected]
SHIP is a Medicare Counseling Service. Must be people-oriented and have computer skills.
Bergen Volunteer Center
[email protected]
Seeking mentors, chore volunteers, skilled volunteers and volunteer counselors for retirees.
Bergen Volunteer Medical Initiative-BVMI (Hackensack)
Looking for medical professionals, administrative help and volunteers that are bilingual in Spanish.
Big Brothers of Northern New Jersey
[email protected]
Boys and Girls Club of Paterson and Passaic
973-279-3055 x250
[email protected]
Volunteers needed to assist with arts, athletics, STEM and reading programs for children ages 5-18.
CAMP (Community Association with Ministry to People/Youth Development Program, Paterson, NJ)
[email protected]
[email protected]
CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)
[email protected]
Linked to the Village’s emergency notification system and are asked to respond to emergencies if available. Training for disaster preparedness, rescue and emergency coordination is provided.
Children’s Aid and Family Services
[email protected]
Community Blood Services
[email protected]
Need helpful people to call blood donors or serve juice and cookies at blood drives.
Community Meals Inc.
Volunteer drivers needed to deliver meals to clients who are elderly, ill or disabled (even temporarily) who cannot shop or prepare meals for themselves and who live in Ridgewood, Glen Rock, Midland Park, Ho-Ho-Kus, Allendale and Waldwick.
Covenant House NJ – Dove Learning Center
Looking for volunteers to help with art, job coaching, tutors, musicians and nutritionlists.
Covenant House – Raphael’s Life House
Provides an enrichment program for young homeless mothers called The Reading Hour. Readers needed!
Depot Gift Store
Family Promise of Bergen County
[email protected]
Volunteer applications will be provided, looking for help in the office and other.
First Friends of New Jersey and New York
[email protected]
Friends to Friends Community Church
[email protected]
Gilmore Memorial Preschool, Paterson Alliance
Halls that Inspire, Inc., Paterson Alliance
[email protected]
Habitat for Humanity of Bergen County
[email protected]
Volunteers for our construction worksite. No skills or experience is required. Tasks will vary from framing, painting, installing doors/windows/flooring, insulating the walls, sheetrocking, etc. Join our Greyhead volunteer group which is comprised of men and women ages 55 and older who volunteer on Wednesdays on our worksite.
Health Barn Foundation
[email protected]
Our organization is seeking volunteers with culinary skills and support with fundraising.
Hermitage Museum (Ho-Ho-Kus)
Museum offers many volunteer opportunities. Those opportunities include helping with events and working with collections, docents to lead tours of the museum, friendly, enthusiastic and outgoing individuals who enjoy history/storytelling/historic preservation and working with the public; vast costume collection-anyone who is interested or has experience in textiles; gardening program.
Home Care Options, Paterson Alliance
973-523-1224 x242
[email protected]
Looking for volunteer shoppers for the House Call Groceries for Seniors program. Also need volunteers for CHEER program for partner agency, visiting Homemaker Service of Bergen County, serving residents in Passaic and Bergen Counties and in general Northern NJ.
ITN North Jersey
Volunteer to drive for ITN and help seniors and the visually impaired stay connected, healthy and independent.
Medicare Rights Center
[email protected]
Volunteers needed to serve on a national helpline whose mission is to assist those with questions and issues related to Medicare. Located on Eighth Ave, NYC.
Neighborcare, Inc.
Local light chore service; telephone reassurance; pet therapy service.
New Jersey Office of the Ombudsman for the Institutionalized Elderly, Volunteer Advocate Program (VAP)
[email protected]
Volunteer advocates needed in nursing homes across the state.
Passaic County Court Appointment Special Advocates
[email protected]
Looking for caring adults to advocate, facilitate and influence life changing decisions for children in the foster care system. Part of the Paterson Alliance.
Paterson Alliance
[email protected]
The Paterson Alliance is a member-led and member-engaged organization that represents 75 Paterson nonprofits. All organizations are in need of board members. Skills for volunteers include reading program, tax preparation, advocacy and board of director’s work.
Paterson Public Library
Summer Reading Outreach Program will recruit volunteer readers for a six week program, reading to children in Paterson.
Project Linus-Hudson/Bergen Chapter
The group meets at the Secaucus Public Library to make blankets and quilts for children in medical or emotional trauma. Skills needed include sewing, knitting and/or crocheting.
Read to Know
Volunteers needed to read to children in day care centers; help with special events; help with acquisition; sorting and shelving of books, mainly for preschool children; people to collect books.
Ridgecrest Senior Housing
[email protected]
Intergenerational volunteer opportunities are available. Bilingual Spanish, Korean, and Russian speaking volunteers are especially needed.
Ridgewood Community School and Public Schools
[email protected]
The community school hires older adults to teach their classes. In the Public Schools help needed to read to students, help students practice their math facts, work on marketing campaigns with high school students, and help students with developing organizational skills.
Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration, Inc.
Day-of volunteers, help with pre-event preparation.
Ridgewood Historical Society/Schoolhouse Museum
[email protected]
Volunteers needed for a variety of things such as a docent, fundraising assisting at special events, data entry, work with artifacts, storage and repair.
Ridgewood Public Library ESL Volunteer Program
201-670-5500 x133 Victoria Hilditch
[email protected]
We need tutors for adults. No teaching experience needed.
Ridgewood YMCA
201-444-5600 Megan Heller Nayden
[email protected]
Volunteers needed to assist with food distribution, specialty classes both land aquatics, kids sports and fitness classes, marketing, membership and general office help, outreach to members and fundraising.
SCORE Northeast New Jersey
[email protected]
Volunteers needed for business, training, organization, administration.
Share Houses, Share Inc.
[email protected]
Share is looking for a variety of volunteers including working with senior citizens. Must be good with people, computer skills welcome, guest chefs, gardeners, writers and discussion leaders, yoga instructors and arts and crafts leaders.
Social Service Association of Ridgewood and Vicinity
[email protected]
Needs volunteers for transporting food from local markets to our pantry at Ridgewood train station and shelving food in the pantry.
St. Paul’s Community Development Corporation: AmeriCorps Program
973-710-3900 x488
[email protected]
Members serve as after school youth program assistants, mentors, case manager aids and beyond. This volunteer opportunity requires a one year commitment.
United Way of Passaic County
973-279-8900 x205
[email protected]
Volunteer in a number of ways including reading to a classroom in Passaic County, helping with food drives, assisting in toy and mitten collection in November/December, FAFSA volunteers, tax prep volunteers or even pitching in to help with annual fundraising event dinner.
Valley Homecare and Hospice
[email protected]
Volunteers needed to provide companionship to homebound patients and their families in Bergen and Passaic Counties. Talk to patients about their families, play cards or games, offer respite to families so they can take a break from caregiving. Office volunteers, pet therapy and bereavement visits and assist with Journeys Program.
Valley Hospital
[email protected]
Caring and compassionate volunteers needed. Skills needed include clerical/computer skills, talented crafters, knitters, crocheters and musicians.
YWCA of Bergen County (Ridgewood)
LGBT Resources
email: [email protected]
Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders
New York, several locations
General Support and Information
NJ 211
Phone 2-1-1
[email protected]
NJ 2-1-1 can help you find solutions to personal needs by informing you of resources in your community like day care facilities, shelters, affordable housing units, social services, employment training programs, senior services, medical insurance, and more.
NJ Foundation for Aging
Broadcasts 30 minute TV programs about the issues that impact the lives of seniors, boomers and caregivers. Can be viewed online or on some TV stations.
Quarterly digital magazine accessible to all on website.
Autumn Years Magazine and periodic Expos of Bergen County opportunities and services
[email protected]
Bergen County Division of Senior Services
1 Bergen County Plaza, 2nd Floor, Hackensack, NJ 07601
If you are an adult 60 or over, an adult with a disability 18 or over, or a family member/caregiver contact the Division of Senior Services for information on available services through the county and the state.
Bergen County United Way and NJ 211
6 Forest Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652
211 is a 24/7 information/referral and intakes for various government programs including LIHEAP for energy/utilities assistance.
Center for Food Action
192 West Demarest Avenue, Englewood, NJ 07631
Emergency food, housing, utility assistance, advocacy, and other services for low-income individuals and families in Bergen and upper Passaic Counties.