Health & Medical
Medical Services
The Valley Hospital
223 N. Van Dien, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Main: 201-447-8000
Find a Physician: 800-825-5391
To read articles about healthy living, check The Valley Health Blog online at
Community Care Clinic of Valley Hospital
1114 Goffle Road, Hawthorne, NJ
Main: 973-427-7676
Hours: M-F 8am – 4:30pm
Community Care is for people of all ages who cannot afford private medical care and who have limited or no medical insurance. Any New Jersey resident is eligible if he/she meets the financial criteria.
Dispatch Health from Valley Health
Main: 201-882-7527
Hours: 7 Days a Week 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
On-Demand Urgent Care: If you’re sick or injured, skip the trip to the emergency room or urgent care center and let our qualified medical team come to you. Valley Health System and DispatchHealth offer on-demand urgent care in the comfort of your home. From common ailments to complex injuries and illnesses, our healthcare providers are prepared to treat you quickly, safely and comfortably.
Valley Senior Health Partners
Main: 201-444-5992
Receive high-quality primary care from trusted providers at Valley Health System right in your independent, assisted living or memory care community. Call today to get started.
Hackensack University Medical Center
30 Prospect Avenue, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Main: 551-996-2000
Find a Physician: 855-424-9355
Visiting Physician Services, Member of VNA Health Group
23 Main Street, Suite D1, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Geriatric house calls that enables patients to remain at home while they age in place. Treats minor ailments to serious, chronic illnesses; Medicare accepted.
Medical Services for Veterans
VA Hospital
385 Tremont Avenue, E. Orange, NJ 07018
VA Outpatient Clinic – Hackensack
385 Prospect Avenue, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Bergen County Veterans Affairs
One Bergen County Plaza, 2nd Fl., Hackensack, NJ 07601
Provides resident veterans and their dependents with information and assistance in obtaining earned entitlements from federal, state, and local governments, as well as any that are available from the private sector. Through a quarterly newsletter and direct client contact, the division provides Bergen’s veterans organizations and their auxiliaries and individual residents with benefit information.
Vet Assist Program of Veterans Home Care
14 Ridgedale Avenue, Suite 257, Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927
Works with wartime veterans and surviving spouces to access in home care paid through a benefit from the Veterans Administration known as Aid and Attendance.
Medical Services for Uninsured
BVMI Healthcare Center
241 Moore Street, #101, Hackensack, NJ 07601
BVMI provides free primary and preventive medical care to low-income working Bergan County residents who do not have medical insurance. Patients are seen by appointment only five days a week, Monday through Friday. Call the number above to see if you qualify for service and to schedule an appointment.
Medical Services for People who have had a Stroke
Adler Aphasia Center
60 West Hunter Avenue, Maywood, NJ 07607
[email protected]
Provides help for those living with aphasia and their families. Aphasia is a language disorder usually from a stroke or other traumatic brain injury.
American Stroke Association Stroke Family Warmline
Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. CT Monday-Friday
1-888-4-STROKE (1-888-478-7653)
The Stroke Family Warmline connects stroke survivors and their families with an American Stroke Association team member who can provide support, helpful information or just a listening ear.
Medical Services for People who have had Polio
New Jersey Polio Network
Heightened Independence and Progress
131 Main Street Suite 120, Hackensack, NJ 07601
201-996-9100 ext.18
Aids individuals throughout the state who have been affected by polio. Individuals can apply for grants for such needs as medical evaluations, home modifications, assistive devices and medical transportation costs.
Funding up to $1000.
Services related to Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
Alzheimer’s New Jersey
400 Morris Avenue, #251, Denville, NJ 07834
Phone: 973-586-4300
Helpline: 1-888-280-6055
Email: [email protected]
Call the Helpline above or email to find out about the wide variety of services offered to families and those diagnosed with dementia. Alzheimer’s New Jersey offers wellness programs and respite services, support groups, informational and educational programs, and professionally staffed assistance.
COPSA (Comprehensive Services on Aging at Rutgers University)
COPSA offers a Memory Disorder Clinic, Outreach and Case Management Services, Geriatric Out Patient Service, and Alzheimer’s Resource Center. Call the number above to learn more about their services for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia.
Care2Caregivers Peer Support
A phone support program offered through Rutgers University to assist caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease, memory impairment or a related disorder. Trained professionals who have been personal caregivers, will answer your call. Callers will be helped to learn about dementia, find resources, and given support.
Vision Loss
Vision Loss Alliance of New Jersey
Elsa Zavoda, Program Director
973-627-0055 et 335
[email protected]
Provides practical training and emotional support to help those who have experienced profound vision loss regain self-esteem and self-reliance. Programs conducted at Ridgewood Community Center can include yoga and music sessions.
Hearing Loss
Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
New Jersey Department of Human Services
PO Box 074, Trenton, NJ 08625-0074
800-792-8339 toll free in New Jersey
609-588-2528 FAX
Email: [email protected]
The Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, is a state run agency that provides resources including how to find a Sign Language Interpreter, information on available communication devises and technology, and information on patient and individual rights in accordance with ADA.
Insurance and Financial Help
S.H.I.P (State Health Insurance assistance Program)
Bergen County Division of Senior Services
One Bergen County Plaza, 2nd floor, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Volunteer counselors provide information on Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medigap/Supplemental Insurance, and Medicare Part D Prescription Plans.
The S.H.I.P. website, link above, has useful information on Medigap Policies and Medicare Advantage Plans.
Medicare Rights Center
266 W. 37th Street, New York, NY 10018
Helpline: 800-333-4114 Monday through Friday
The Medicare Rights Center is a national, nonprofit consumer service organization that works to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities through counseling and advocacy, educational programs and public policy initiatives. Through their national telephone helpline (phone number above), trained volunteers and staff answer questions from people with Medicare, their family members and friends helping callers to understand how their existing Medicare coverage works and, if needed, to find the right insurance coverage.
Todos nuestros servicios están disponibles en español. Si desea hablar con un consejero en español, llame a nuestra línea de servicio al cliente (1-800-333-4114) y presione el “8” cuando oiga el mensaje del operador.
Bergen County Board of Social Services
218 Route 17 N., Rochelle Park, NJ 07662
Hours: Weekdays 8:00 am thru 4:30 pm (Tuesday’s until 8:00 pm)
Medicaid provides eligible beneficiaries assistance in paying for medical care, prescriptions, transportation and homecare. Call the number above for specific information on available assistance and eligibility.
PAAD (The Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled)
New Jersey offers prescription assistance to NJ residents 65 years of age or older or 18 years of age or older and receiving Social Security Title II Disability benefits with annual income for 2017 of less than $26,655 if single or less than $32,680 if married. PAAD beneficiaries must be enrolled in a Medicare Part D Prescription Plan. PAAD will pay the monthly premium for certain standard basic Part D plans with a monthly premium at or below the regional benchmark or standard basic plans or enhanced plans up to $20 above the benchmark amount that has no deductible. PAAD beneficiaries will pay $5 for each covered generic drug or $7 for each covered brand name drug. The PAAD application can be found online, click on the web site above. For assistance completing the PAAD application contact the Eldercare Office at the NW Senior Center at 201-447-5695
Senior Gold
Senior Gold Prescription Discount Program is a State-funded prescription program with a different co-payment structure and income eligibility guidelines than those of PAAD.
NJ offers Senior Gold to NJ residents 65 years of age or older or 18 years of age or older and receiving Social Security Title II Disability benefits with an annual income for 2017 between $26,655 and $36,655 if single or between $32,680 and $42,680 if married. All Medicare-eligible Senior Gold beneficiaries are required to enroll in a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan of their choice.
Senior Gold beneficiaries pay a co-payment of $15 plus 50% of the remaining cost of each Senior Gold covered prescription. Once beneficiaries reach annual out-of-pocket expenses exceeding $2,000 for single persons or $3,000 for married couples, they pay only a flat $15 co-payment per prescription for the balance of that eligibility period. The Senior Gold application can be found online, click web site above. For assistance completing the Senior Gold application contact the Eldercare Office at the NW Senior Center at 201-447-5695.
Medicare Part D Prescription Plans
Each year between October 15 and December 7, those eligible for Medicare may evaluate their prescription coverage and switch prescription plans to start on January 1. It is recommended that you review your plan annually and make sure that you have the best prescription coverage to meet your need. For questions about Medicare Part D contact the Eldercare Office at the NW Senior Center at 201-447-5695.
Social Security Helpline
800-772-1213 (7:00AM to 7:00PM)
Social Security and Medicare benefits
Movement and Exercise Programs
Exercising is good for your health. The following organizations offer exercise programs for older adults.
Ridgewood Community Center
131 N. Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
201-670-5500 ext. 301
Open Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Closed State and Federal Holidays)
The Ridgewood Community Center, under the direction of the Ridgewood Parks and Recreation Department, is located on the lower level of Village Hall. The center offers a wide variety of exercise programs for adults 55 years of age and older. Currently the programs are Zumba Gold, Toning, Gentle Chair Yoga, Yoga Fit, Silver Strength and Motion, Men’s Fitness, Cardio Dance, and No Aches/No Pains – Arthritis Class. Exercise classes are offered at a discounted rate ($10 additional per class for non-residents). Call the Ridgewood Community Center, telephone number above, to learn more about these programs or for further information.
Ridgewood Public Library
125 N. Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
The Ridgewood Library offers a number of fitness programs throughout the year. Call the library at the number above to learn about their programs or check their web site for information on all of their program offerings.
The Valley Hospital and Ridgewood Public Library Healthy Community Partnership
Free health and wellness education and events held at the Ridgewood Public Library. Registration required. One program is Health Steps, a 12-week walking program run 2 times a year (once kicking off in April and again in September). Members of our community are encouraged to get more active with this weekly walking group! Group meets at Vet’s field on Tuesday mornings at 9am and walk around the track or around town.
Northwest Senior Center
50 Center Street, Midland Park, NJ 07450
Open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 3:30 PM
The Northwest Center is the regional senior center serving NW Bergen County. It offers a variety of movement and exercise programs for adults 60 years of age and older. Tap Dancing, Ballroom Dancing, Social Dancing, Country Line Dancing, Arthritis Exercise, Cardio and Core Fitness, Silver Fit Exercise, Core Tone and Strength, Gentle Yoga, and Sun Yoga are offered weekly. Call the NW Center, telephone number above, to learn more about these programs and the schedule for classes. There is no cost to join the NW Center, free-will donations accepted for some of the dance and exercise programs.
Ridgewood YMCA
112 Oak Street, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
In addition to physical fitness classes and facilities, we provide educational programs to promote healthier decisions, and offer a variety of programs that support physical, intellectual and spiritual strength.
YWCA Northern New Jersey
214 State Street, Suite 203A, Hackensack NJ 07601
Empowering women, girls and families is at the YWCA Northern New Jersey’s core. We provide health and fitness programs, support and opportunities for self-expression. Sponsor workshops designed to develop strong, self-confident girls. And host workforce readiness seminars to assist women in areas ranging from resume writing and interview skills to job search strategies and education. For Seniors there are fitness sessions and support groups, offered virtually and at various locations.
The Valley Center for Health and Wellness
1400 MacArthur Boulevard, Mahwah, NJ 07430
Monday through Friday 5:30 AM to 9:30 PM
Saturday and Sunday 7 AM to 5:30 PM
Valley Health LifeStyles, a professionally supervised health and fitness facility at the Valley Center for Health and Wellness, is designed exclusively to help you maintain the healthy lifestyle that’s right for you. We offer a full-service program that is based on health education, meaningful physical assessments and the prevention and treatment of chronic disease.
To learn specifics about membership, fees, and programs or to schedule a visit call the Valley Medical Fitness Center at the number listed above.
Ridgewood Community School
49 Cottage Place, Ridgewood NJ 07450
email: [email protected]
Offerings in subject areas: dance and movement, health fitness and wellness, hiking and walking, and sports.
50 Plus card available for Ridgewood residents 50 and over which provides discounts on specific classes.
Wyckoff Family YMCA
691 Wyckoff Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Offerings include senior programs and reduced price memberships.

Mental Health Services
West Bergen Mental Healthcare
120 Chestnut Street, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Provides individual and family counseling. For initial appointments, questions or concerns, contact their ACCESS Center at (201) 485-7172.
Ramapo Ridge Psychiatric Hospital
301 Sicomac Ave., Wyckoff, NJ 07481
201-848-5500 (Admission Office)
Ramapo Ridge is a 58-bed psychiatric hospital offering a general adult psychiatric program and a geriatric psychiatric program which specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses including, but not limited to, depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Both programs are designed for adults who require inpatient care, and full-time staff physicians are available to treat non-acute medical problems. If you are seeking assistance for a mental-health issue or problem, please call the Admissions Office at the number above.
Emergency Mental Health Services
201-262-Help (4357)
The purpose of 201-262-HELP is to provide emergency mental health services to residents of Bergen County.
Geriatric Services
Geriatric Consultation Services
Vantage Health System Geriatric Consultation Service
2 Park Avenue, Dumont, NJ 07628
Contact: Nancy Bortinger, LCSW, C-ASWCM at 201-385-4400 ext. 3086
Provides an assessment to evaluate needs of an older adult who may be exhibiting changes that are uncharacteristic and affect their ability to maintain their independence and/or care for themselves. Provides information options for care, and assists in making referrals and coordinating services. They also will provide counseling to assist families to understand the changes that are happening. Consultations can take place at their Dumont office or at a more convenient location for the older adult and family.
Bergen Care Management Program
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark
174 South Main Ave., Hackensack, NJ 07601
Tel: (201) 265-3840
Fax: (201) 441-9423
Monday – Friday; 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Catholic Charities provides care-management services for older adults in partnership with Bergen NJ EASE, a program of the Bergen County Division of Senior Services. Services target frail, vulnerable, low-income adults, 60 years of age and older, who are at risk for premature institutionalization.
Nutrition Services
Hot Congregate Meal at the NW Senior Center
50 Center Street, Midland Park, NJ 07432
Hot lunch served Monday through Friday at 11:45 AM for older adults 60 and over. Reservations for lunch must be made at least one day in advance before noon. Monthly menus for the lunch are available at the NW Senior Center. There is a suggested donation of $1.25 for the lunch. Call the number above for more information.
Community Meals, Inc.
Community Church of Glen Rock
354 Rock Road
Glen Rock, NJ 07452
[email protected]
Community Meals, Inc. is a private non-profit service organization that delivers meals to the homebound Monday through Friday. Volunteers deliver meals between 11:30AM and 12:30PM to clients in Allendale, Glen Rock, Ho-Ho-Kus, Midland Park, Ridgewood, Waldwick and part of Saddle River.
Office hours are 10AM to 2PM Monday through Friday. For more information about their services contact Community Meals, Inc. at the phone number or email above.
Kosher Meals on Wheels
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Northern New Jersey
1485 Teaneck Rd. #2
Teaneck, NJ 07666
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as Food Stamps)
Bergen County Board of Social Services
218 Route 17 N., Rochelle Park, New Jersey 07662
Hours: Weekdays 8:00 am thru 4:30 pm (Tuesday’s until 8:00 pm)
SNAP is a federal nutrition program that provides monthly benefits to low income individuals and families to purchase food at grocery stores, convenience stores and farmer’s markets.
Applications can be filed online at
Complete all sections of the application. Once the application is submitted online, you will receive a confirmation number. Bergen County Board of Social Services will receive the application electronically and contact you by mail within 7 to 10 days to schedule an in-person or telephone interview.
Social Services Association of Ridgewood and Vicinity
Six Station Plaza, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
[email protected]
Social Service Association’s mission is to provide food through their food pantry, emergency rent, utility assistance and support services to our neighbors in need. With the goal of being a community resource and family service agency helping to preserve the dignity and stability of the individual. Social Service Association serves the communities of Ridgewood, Glen Rock, HoHoKus, Midland Park, Waldwick, and Wyckoff. They are open weekdays 9 to 3, but it is best to call the number above to verify their open hours before visiting.
Recipe for Life Program at Valley Hospital
Personalized nutrition guidance
Diabetes Self Management Program at Valley Hospital
201-291-6000 ext 111-7080
Diabetes Support Group at Valley Hospital
Fair Lawn Ridgewood Weight Loss Challenge
12-week weight-loss program. The program encourages people to drop weight in a healthy way through free fitness opportunities and nutrition/health sessions. We partner with the towns, the mayors wellness campaign, the ShopRite of Fair Lawn, the Ridgewood YMCA, and Health Barn USA.
Support Services
General Support and Information
NJ 211
Phone 2-1-1
[email protected]
NJ 2-1-1 can help you find solutions to personal needs by informing you of resources in your community like day care facilities, shelters, affordable housing units, social services, employment training programs, senior services, medical insurance, and more.
NJ Foundation for Aging
Broadcasts 30 minute TV programs about the issues that impact the lives of seniors, boomers and caregivers. Can be viewed online or on some TV stations.
Quarterly digital magazine accessible to all on website.
Cancer Care
141 Dayton St., Suite 204, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
[email protected]
Cancer Care provides free, professional support services and information to help people manage the emotional, practical and financial challenges of cancer. Their comprehensive services include counseling and support groups over the phone, online and in-person; educational workshop; publications and financial and co-payment assistance. Call Cancer Care at the number above to learn more about available services and programs.
Transition Group at the NW Senior Center
50 Center Street, Midland Park, NJ 07432
This support group is for seniors, 60 and over, who have experienced changes in their lives and need support as they adapt to the change. The group meets on Mondays at 12:30PM. Call the NW Center at the number above to register for the group before attending.
Bereavement Groups
Valley Home Care provides a list of bereavement groups and resources. Visit
for this information.
NJ Self Help Group Clearinghouse
The mission of the Clearinghouse is to help people find and form all types of self-help support groups in order to provide hope, strength and experience to those in need in order to not feel alone. They maintain a database of over 8,600 self-help group meetings statewide, as well as over 1,000 national self-help group headquarters, online and telephone groups, and networks.
Autumn Years Magazine and periodic Expos of Bergen County opportunities and services
[email protected]
Diabetes Foundation, Inc.
13 Sunflower Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652
Serves NJ residents with diabetes through emergency medication assistance, patient support and resources, free community education programs and camp sponsorships.
171 W. 85th Street, New York, New York 10024
Teleconferencing program for older adult age 55 + regardless of income or health problems. Alleviates social isolation among older adults.
Caregiver Support Services
Caregiver Support Group at the NW Senior Center
50 Center Street, Midland Park, NJ 07432
This support group, facilitated by a geriatric social worker, meets Tuesday mornings from 10 AM to 11:15 AM for people taking care of an adult age 60 or over. Call the number above for information.
In Home Caregiver Education and Support Program
Bergen County Division of Senior Services
One Bergen County Plaza, 2nd floor, Hackensack, NJ 07601
This free service is designed for unpaid caregivers caring for a Bergen County resident 60 years of age or older. A registered nurse does an in-home assessment and prepares a plan to help the caregiver develop or refine the skills needed to provide care. The caregiver may receive a limited number of home visits from a physical therapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, and/or registered dietician. In addition, a licensed clinical social worker is available for short-term counseling for the caregiver for stress management.
Caregiver Coalition of Bergen County
Bergen County Division of Senior Services
One Bergen County Plaza, 2nd floor, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Call the number above to learn about the Coalition and scheduled meetings.
Spouse Caregiver Dine and Talk Group
Vantage Health System at Northern Valley Adult Day Center
2 Park Avenue, Dumont, NJ 07628
201-385-4400 ext. 3086
This support group meets at the Northern Valley Adult Day Center and meets bi-monthly from 4 PM to 6 PM. Dinner is served. This support group, specifically for spouses, addresses the needs of the caregiver as well as the loved one. Call the number above for more information and specific meeting dates.
Post Stroke and Disabled Support Groups
The Post Stroke and Disabled Adult Support Group Program
Bergen County Division on Disability Services
One Bergen Plaza
Hackensack, NJ 07601
The Division of Disability Services offers 4 support groups that meet weekly in the following municipalities: East Rutherford and Maywood on Thursdays, Englewood on Fridays, and Ridgewood on Tuesdays. Call the Division for more information. There is no fee to participate.
Respite Services
Statewide Respite Care Program
Bergen County Human Services
One Bergen Plaza
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Provides services to over-burdened caregivers who need occasional breaks from their caregiving responsibilities assisting an older adult or an individual with a disability. Services offered include: homecare, social or medical day care, or temporary care in a nursing home. Call for eligibility requirements and an application.
Services for the Disabled Adults
Personal Assistance Services Program (PASP)
Bergen County Division on Disability Services
One Bergen Plaza
Hackensack, NJ 07601
PASP provides up to 40 hours per week of services such as light housekeeping, shopping, meal preparation, bathing, dressing, and correspondence for self-directed individuals age 18 through 70 with permanent physical disabilities and who are salaried employees, a student pursuing education/training opportunities related to employment or involved in a verifiable volunteer activity contributing 20 or more hours a month. Eligible adults will be assessed using a slide cost-share fee.
American With Disabilities Act Assistance Project
Bergen County Division on Disability Services
One Bergen Plaza
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Offers a coordinated system to simplify access to health and human services for individuals with disabilities, their family members, and caregivers.