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Zoom Screening of Film Beyond Sixty and Live Q&A with Director Melissa Davey
18th Annual Reel Voices Film Festival Beyond Sixty Screening and Live Virtual Q&A with Director Melissa Davey
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 VIRTUAL EVENT cosponsored by Age Friendly Ridgewood
7:00pm: Beyond Sixty Virtual screening (2018; US; NR; 1h18m)
The myth that older women are invisible is shattered in this inspirational, revealing look at remarkable women thriving, leading lives rich in experiences and accomplishments that defy perceptions and reveal what is possible beyond sixty.
8:20pm: LIve virtual Q&A with Director Melissa Davey
Link for Registration: http://engagedpatrons.org/EventsExtended.cfm?SiteID=5615&EventID=432818&PK=